Wednesday, May 28, 2014


she gave the world her voice

even when she wasn't speaking.

her words will forever



and inspire

long after you or i take our last breath.

i recall in my youth, sashaying with an attitude 

in front of a crowded room

no shame,

no fear, 

no regret:

"I’m a woman


Phenomenal woman,   

That’s me."

back then i wasn't quite sure but it sounded so good 

made me want to be phenomenal 

and made women everywhere value themselves just a lil bit more.

if we revisit some of those words, i know every stanza in that poem to be true:

"It’s in the reach of my arms,

The span of my hips,   

The stride of my step,   

The curl of my lips..."

i heard her say, "i do not know what will happen in the next lifetime..." which should make us all be mindful to live in this one.




all the attributes of a phenomenal woman 

who rose to exuberantly exclaim, I know why the caged bird sings

and whose heart will forever reside in the words she chose to graciously intertwine and deliver to the world. how grateful we should be to have had such a presence...

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